Software: InDesign 
Cover Typeface: Neue Haas Unica 
Spread Typeface: Century Old Style 

Text Summary:
The text begins with author Nikole Hannah-Jones sharing her personal distaste towards the American flag. She explains how her father had always kept the flag  flying on their porch in any circumstance. Considering the many years of slavery and racial inequality towards Black Americans, Jones did not understand why or how her father can hang up the flag with such pride.
As the text progresses, Jones outlines the many events in American history where Black Americans graciously fought for their rights in this nation. She realizes how these great efforts are the reasons why Black Americans are so resilient and how they have been able to truly shape our democracy. 
By the end of the text, Jones is able to understand why her dad flies the flag with such great pride; It was not for the many years of torture and discrimination towards Black Americans but for the immense efforts of Black Americans in history.

Front Cover

Back Cover + Front Cover

Title Page


Sample Spread

Book Overview

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